Descriptive Writing for Middle School ESL Students

Descriptive Writing for ESL Students

Descriptive writing is one of the absolute best ways for ESL students of any age to develop their English writing skills. It helps students expand their vocabulary and express themselves more clearly in English. Plus, it's a fun and engaging way to encourage students to pay attention to details and use descriptive language to paint a picture for the reader. By practicing descriptive writing, ESL students can really boost their overall language proficiency and feel more confident in their writing abilities.

Components of Descriptive Writing

First of all, let's talk about the components of descriptive writing. Descriptive writing is all about painting a picture with words. It should include sensory details that appeal to the five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. 

Basic Structure of Descriptive Writing

Now that we understand the basic structure of descriptive writing, let's talk about how to write it. 

  1. First, students start by choosing a topic that is interesting and relevant to their audience.

  2. Then, they brainstorm sensory details related to the topic. 

  3. Next, they organize their details into paragraphs, using transition words to guide the reader through the description. 

  4. Finally, they revise their writing to make sure it flows well and includes vivid, descriptive language.

Organizing and Structuring Descriptive Writing

When it comes to organizing and structuring their writing, ESL students benefit from using graphic organizers, mind maps, and other visual aids to help them see the connections between different pieces of information. 

Writing Graphic Organizers for ESL Students

Creating an Outline

Creating an outline can also be helpful in structuring their writing. They should start with a clear topic sentence that captures the main idea of the paragraph, brainstorm sensory details related to the topic, group related ideas together, and use transition words to guide the reader through the description.

Topics for Descriptive Writing

In terms of topics, I always encourage my students to choose something they're passionate about or curious to learn more about. Some examples of descriptive writing topics for middle school students include:

  • A favorite place

  • A memorable experience

  • A beloved pet

  • A favorite food

  • A special event

  • A unique object

  • A historical landmark

  • A natural wonder

  • A cultural tradition

  • A family member or friend

Organizing and Structuring Writing for ESL Students

Sentence Frames for ESL Students

To help your ESL students improve their descriptive writing skills, providing them with sentence frames and graphic organizers can be really helpful. These tools can help students formulate and organize their ideas in a clear and concise way.

Here are some sentence frames that you can give your students to help them get started:

"When I think about [topic], I immediately picture [sensory detail]."

"As I approach [topic], I notice [sensory detail]."

"I am transported back to [memory or experience] every time I smell [sensory detail]."

"When I taste [food], I can taste [sensory detail] and [sensory detail]."


In addition to using sentence frames, it's also important to teach your middle school ESL students how to revise their writing effectively. Some tips for revising include taking a break for at least a day, reading the writing aloud, getting feedback from others, and checking for transitions between paragraphs.

In a Nutshell

Remember that with practice and guidance, your students can develop strong descriptive writing skills that will serve them well in school and beyond. Encourage them to choose interesting topics, use sensory details to paint a vivid picture, and structure their writing effectively. Your ESL students are normal children who not only need the best practice instruction that’s given to their classmates but also more help that caters to their linguistic needs. With a few tweaks in your instruction, your ESL students will be on their way to writing success!

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